Lilla Riedlingerné Fenyvesi
2 min readDec 2, 2020


How to improve our mental health?

Everyone looks for happiness and wants to live without any mental problems. If our soul is healthy and if we are pleased with our lives, we will feel good. Although that sounds easy to manage, because we plan our daily tasks and we are responsible for it, it’s more complex and to leave without problems and stress it’s almost impossible.

There are many options around us, that make us happy and we can cope with our daily tasks easier. Many people don’t recognize them, because they don’t know about them or they don’t want to change. I think about just simple things, that don’t need any extra investment, special courses, 3 degrees, ect.

You have a million things to do at home with your studies, with your partner, with your children, etc. That’s why your brain is active all the time and doesn’t let you slow down. To cope with your negative thoughts, to be able to manage your tasks better and faster or to reduce your tasks you should keep a diary about your ideas, your daily experiences or about your feelings at the end of the day. You can reread them as many times as you want and you can see the development of your personality and your feelings.

Listening to music is a fantastic activity and to do it with a calm, relaxing type makes you slower and you won’t be stressed. You can choose from different categories according to your purpose with it. For studying or working you can listen to some kind of concentration music, but for sleeping or reading an other type.

Having friends is a valuable thing and you need to see them as often as you can. To recall our silly, funny, dangerous experiences, our common holidays, our times at school or at our workplace is a very good feeling.

Boarding games give new memories for you and for all your relatives, friends you play with. You laugh a lot, you have to use your thinking or your logic, so it has many advantages. It also makes you happy and gives you an unforgettable experience.

If you are not pleased with your current situation, don’t hesitate to change. Many people are used to some unhappy circumstance, but they are not brave enough to do the first step and to start something new. It’s really difficult and you have to be very brave but it’s worth it for a better, happier life.

The list is endless of other things, which make you happier and how you can cope with the stress. You can look for other things you want to do for your health. It’s your life and you can see what you would like to change and what you can do during your days.

